Athletes are among the people most at risk of iron deficiency.
There are several reasons for this. Too intense and frequent physical activities can interfere with the absorption of the trace element. In addition, sweating increases during training, and one liter of sweat contains up to 530 mg of iron.


Iron performs many important functions in the human body. The main ones are:

  • oxygen supply to all cells and organs
  • participation in the processes of energy exchange and the formation of important enzymes

  • transport of carbon dioxide for further disposal

  • ensuring the necessary functions of the immune system

  • providing oxygen to the athlete's muscles and increase in strength
  • involved in cholesterol metabolism

The main functions of iron are

ensuring the hematopoietic function and the performance of all functions of the body structure. Microelement deficiency can occur with blood loss, some chronic and acute diseases, against the background of surgical interference.

With a lack of iron, athletic performance is sharply reduced. The introduction of a microelement in the form of a dietary supplement has a positive effect on performance, normalizes overall activity, and restores physical potential.

It is recommended to change the diet and include the following foods in it:

  • meat and liver
  • eggs
  • bread and cereals, especially buckwheat

  • vegetables and fruits
Vitamin C helps the absorption of iron, but calcium, on the contrary, interferes with this process. It is not recommended to combine the use of the product with the use of milk and lactic acid products. Try not to take iron supplements 1-2 hours before or after calcium-rich foods.
You can buy FORTIFERRUM® on the Uzum website
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